Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We The Parents....we are people too...right??

So I started a great debate with a FB post I made last night about my daughter reading a book that had curse words and explored a romantic relationship with two females, who happen to kiss each other later in the book called "Pretty Little Liars". Now I am not the best mother in the world, I have never claimed to be just ask my best friend Melissa and my husband! I have a lot to learn and a lot to go through, but I know when I need to intervene and put my foot down. My daughter is 10 and a half years old and I have not explained gay relationships to my daughter. It is not because I do not like gay people (a member of my family is gay!), I have not explained gay relationships because she is too young. Now I have talked to her extensively about her body and the changes that are occurring and I have explained the different body parts and how they work in the reproductive system. However, I have not explained lifestyle choices that some people make as well as explaining how reproduction takes place between a man and a woman together. Now I want to explain that I am not upset with her at all because she did not know what it meant and she had not gotten very far in the book. I just want to plead with parents to GET INVOLVED! Get involved in what your child is doing, where they are going, what the are READING, what are they watching! I am not perfect and I am still learning about being a good mother BUT I do know that I have to be a mom not necessarily her best friend.

Now to a better topic...I am FINALLY under 280 pounds! I haven't weighed under 280 pounds in a LONG time! PLUS I wore a dress on Easter Sunday that I hadn't worn in almost 2 years. The last time I wore it I couldn't button it up around my chest so the jacket that was over it kept my unbuttoned chest hidden. It was still a little tight BUT it fit and I was a happy gal!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mom, that is CHILD ABUSE!!

So I normally don't like to talk about my children on the Internet because there are some sick people out there but to keep their anonymity safe I will refer to my children and Jill and Jack. 
    So last week I received a call from the principal of the school where both of my children attend. I was told that my daughter, Jill had sent a spam email to two of her teachers at school that asked if they wanted to increase their sex drive and attempted to sell them Viagra. Now I understand that in this day and age people get hacked but you can imagine my embarrassment when I received a phone call from the principal stating that we ought to look into her email account and figure out how fix it or delete it! So after I picked up my jaw off the floor my husband and I deleted the email account and we spoke with Jill about how to protect her new account and to not open any mail she does not know who it is from.
      Jill was upset earlier this week because I was going to make grilled chicken, green beans and scalloped potatoes. Now I think that this dinner was good and so did my son, Jack. Jill is picky about what food she will eat but usually she at least tries it and then decides whether she likes it or not. Well she was adamant that she would not liked grilled chicken because it is boring tasting! Now I am not a chicken connoisseur but I make a good grilled chicken but not on the grill..it is on the George Foreman grill. I don't like to use the outside gas grill when Dale is not home so I get by on the George Foreman. So I informed my daughter that she could go to bed without eating because I was making grilled chicken and scalloped potatoes. Jill looked at me with a straight face and informed me that if I sent her to bed without food that it would be child abuse! After I bit my lip (because I wanted to laugh) I kindly informed her that she could call her father (who is a police officer) and ask him if it was against the law to send a child to bed without dinner. After Jill thought long and hard about her outburst she decided that she would not interrupt dad at work to ask a silly question. I asked her kindly if she was going to join Jack and I for dinner and she stated that she would eat with us so she would not starve.
     After both fiascoes I thought I would post some funny stories from my funny child. Actually if you knew my children you would know Jill is not my funny child but Jack is hilarious! In case you are wondering how my weight loss is coming along I am happy to inform you that I am FINALLY looking at breaking 280 pounds this week!! I haven't been under 280 pounds in over a year!! I am looking forward to seeing the scale this weekend telling me that I am UNDER 280 pounds!! I have lost almost 18 pounds so far in my weight loss story this year and I am looking forward to the next 20 pounds to come off easily.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Here'ssssssss Tara! (applause, applause)

So after all the craziness at my house between my father being in town for Spring Break and me playing hostess with the mostess! I am finally getting back to my routine. We will not discuss that I ate wayyyyyy too much food out and it was NOT healthy food either while my father was here!!!
Now the boy is playing Tball which to me is organized chaos so I am perfectly fine being the bleacher mom who cheers for the team and especially my cute son! Paige is very close to testing for her black belt in karate and I plan on her changing her sport focus when she is finished because she is looking toward junior high sports and there is not a karate team at Brink...is there?? 
Dale is home and all next week he is working in the daytime which means I will have to get kids up and ready in the morning which is not thrilling to me. You see I like to sleep...nothing is better than sleeping through the chaos in my house known as getting ready for school and my husband is home for it 3 times a week and it is the ONLY time he and Paige see each other on Mon, Thur and Fri because he works 4-midnight on those days and she is not out of school until 3:48pm now (grumble). So he doesn't mind getting the kids ready in the morning and he sends them off with a smile and teeth brushed...sometimes their hair is fixed but oh well I can not ask for everything! So I am not looking forward to getting up in the morning BUT I am looking forward to having a husband home at night like normal husbands are home with their prospective families! I see lots of grilling at my house this coming week!
Now on to my weigh in's...there haven't been any! Some things in my family have changed so I must go out and purchase our own family scale and keep track of it ourselves. Now I do not own a scale because that is something we never wanted to know...we knew we were fat we don't need a scale to rub it in our faces about how fat we are! However I know I am still losing weight because I fit into a shirt that is a 2X from Old Navy....that is a MAJOR accomplishment!! I also received the best compliment from an old friend that I was looking good...me looking good all because I had lost 17 pounds so far! Now that is a treat for me so I am getting on the wagon and eating better/healthier and smaller portions!
We also purchased a Wii, we all pooled our money together and the kids helped and we contributed so it is entirely a family purchase! I asked to purchase a Wii fit and we will have to wait to recuperate from purchasing the console before we can spend money on the Wii fit. Does anyone use the Wii fit and does it really look fun as you are working out? I thought about doing it for aerobics/zumba since you will not see me in a class that is in front of other people. Picture seeing me look like a beached whale trying to dance and do step aerobics...well I make a fool of myself plenty without paying for people to see me work out! So please give me some input on this Wii fit thing!
On that note I must make my menu for the week and inform Dale that he is grilling most of the week and get my coupons ready to go shopping. Have a good weekend y'all!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coupons, Coupons and more coupons

Well you heard me...I am on the bandwagon that is called couponing! As I have stepped down from my nursing duties we are living on one income thanks to my wonderful hubby but I want to help my family save money. Now I know a lot of people are skeptical and I am one of those people BUT I read a blog by Carrie called www.couponcloset.net and I was hooked. Now I am not a competitive shopper like certain other individuals but I strive to save money. I attended a coupon class and I was excited to shop after I learned some more information about other stores. "How is this going to affect my weight loss?" Now I am trying to be careful with the great savings I am getting by not thinking I have to buy all the prepackaged foods and junk foods I can BUT buying them in moderation AND I am also using my savings to purchase healthier food. I am hoping that I will be productive and artistic enough to start keeping a picture of my food and savings.
On another note PLEASE keep me motivated to exercise because I have not been exercising lately!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Healthy Fellowship

Now I will say that this weekend I fell off the wagon on Sunday when my family had a big roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, corn, rolls and chocolate cake. This is the same family that is having a competition on who will lose the most weight. With that being said I was very surprised that there was food left over from our feast! Now about 4 months ago I remember a family get together that we literally ate all the food and it was AMAZING how much we ate! Now a days we are trying to make healthier choices and control our portions therefore we had LOTS of potatoes left over, some meat and not many veggies left because we ate most of them. How I fell off the wagon was the cake...it was calling my name...honest! However it was ONE small slice rather than a big piece or even 2 pieces so I feel good about that...as Miss Donna tells me I need to take baby steps!! Tonight we had company over for dinner and we had grilled pork chops and baked potatoes with some tasty green beans! I knew I would be more inclined to eat good tonight so I had a weight watchers microwave meal for lunch because they were on sale for $1 a meal PLUS it is portioned controlled and healthier to eat than a hot dog or pizza for lunch! To be honest I thought I did okay except for the HUGE brownie that Dione MADE me eat...LOL! To let you know I DID workout last week AND I plan on doing it again this week!

Monday, February 21, 2011

On the Road Again

So after 3 weeks of snow, sickness and downright laziness I am back to my routine...well sort of. Preston has ANOTHER ear infection with a perforated ear drum so we are looking to surgery in the next few weeks. So after about 3 hours of sleep last night I took a nap this morning instead of working out. Now we went to weigh in after 3 weeks of not weighing and I have lost another 2.2 pounds so I am excited that I didn't gain BUT I am disappointed that I did not lose a whole lot. I know the reason that I did not lose a lot of weight is because I have not been working out as I ought to due to many different reasons some of which are legitimate and some that are just plain silly. So tomorrow as Preston returns to school along with my daughter I am getting BACK on the elliptical and working out. I will post how that goes depending on whether I can stand up after I get back on the dreaded machine. Thanks for all the support and positive comments! Keep you posted!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let it snow...Let it snow...Let it STOP!!!!!

OK so I as most of you know it has been snowing for over a week now and I don't know about you but the snow and being cooped up in the house is not giving me ANY desire to workout! There is no excuse for not working out because my torture device is at home with me, but after being stuck at home for a week the last thing I wanted to do was workout. I think it was my mood, you know you just want to sit on the couch with your kids and watch TV/movies and make comfort food. Now it should be ILLEGAL to watch Rachael Ray at 11am right before lunch....even though I do because she is too funny! Now back to the food part. In the past I would just eat junk, and then I would curl up on the couch and veg.
Well as my previous post stated I am changing and I want to look better/healthier. I stayed away from the kitchen during the "snack hours" and only went in when I had to cook or prepare the plates to eat. Now I know you are thinking that is silly but for someone like me who went to the kitchen to put a dish away and came out with a handful of chips, candy, cookies, etc. but it is true and I know myself and I need to just stay away from temptation! 
In the past I was the person who ALWAYS had a cookie jar full of cookies...I haven't had a cookie jar out since December 31st! My chips are now healthier and the kids still have their Lays Staxx chips and I still eat them BUT I don't snack on them. I eat them with my sandwich and ONLY eat 12 which is the serving size and it is counted on my calorie intake for the day! So back to the snowy weather in my house, we watched TV/movies all day stayed in our PJ's and I put my coupon list together and yelled at my printer for not working with any of the laptops in our house! Needless to say I did not work out at ALL this week. Now last week I was sick with strep and a sinus infection and that was excuse however getting back on the machine has been a task that I have not conquered...yet!
So you may ask when I plan on getting back to my routine...well when I know then you will know. Today is a busy day and it is my free day since me and the hubby have a date night planned and I have lots to do before this storm hits tonight! How have you been doing on your exercise routine since this winter weather has hit?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What to do when you are sick...lose weight!

Hey all I am sorry it has been over a week since I have blogged. I was down with strep throat and a sinus infection. I have not exercised in a week and I can tell. My body is worn down and tired so I will resume my exercising routine as soon as I am 100% better. Now I don't know about you but when I am sick and in the house all I want to do is eat! That is not a great idea when you are wanting to lose weight because I am not the type of person that goes to her pantry/fridge to grab a carrot, apple, salad, etc. I want sweet/salty/cheesy stuff which is why I am the way I look. All I would do is lay on the couch and eat junk food sometimes because I couldn't taste the food I would eat more...I know VERY silly of me. Well that was in the past but the new me....still wanted junk food/comfort food. So I had to realize that this was just plain silly...I mean why give yourself a double whammy of NOT exercising AND eating junk! So I had to retrain my brain and drink more water so I would feel full and then when I was hungry I ate apple slices (boats), popcorn (mini 100 cal bags), or think about looking skinny on a beach in a bathing suit in California! Now you might tell me good job...I did GREAT and yes..I did. However I had a REALLY SORE THROAT during all this so eating was not a big deal...as a matter of fact I went almost 2 days of not eating because it was painful. I ate sugar free pudding...it was VERY tasty for me but Paige hated it therefore Preston didn't try it. Now in my defense I was not deliberately trying to starve myself but I did. Now before I reveal my weight loss this week I want to tell you about my brother he is a big guy and he has lost over 20 pounds in 4 weeks! Just last week he had the same thing I did and he did not eat for 3 days and he lost 8 pounds...I lost 0.2 pounds! WHAT IN THE WORLD!!! After I got over my frustration I had to think back to my physiology class and I remembered that women HOLD ON to fat when we starve ourselves, men not so much. Now I had to think back to my OB class and remember that as women we bear children and our body keeps children healthy in the womb, even when we are not pregnant. It is natural to hold onto fat when we are not eating because the baby needs something and men are just STINKY because when they stop eating they just lose it! I am proud that I am a woman but not in this instance...I mean I am done having children and could not ever have anymore children much to the disappointment of my daughter who wants us to adopt a girl for her to have a sister. So being sick is not the best way to lose weight...in some cases and I don't recommend it because when momma is sick the house falls apart! Happy to know that my blog peeps are keeping me posted on their lives and I hope to have MORE FOLLOWERS, so come join me fight the battle of the bulge!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The SICK bug is at our house!

So I have been sitting on the couch not with my children but all by myself. I am under the covers because I have chills and feel feverish even though the thermometer says I am normal at 96 degrees with a cough, sore throat, nausea and congestion. So this is NOT what I wanted this week because I have things to do! I know some of you think that I might do nothing at home but I try to keep productive. But this TOTALLY affects my workout schedule and it also poses another problem of food. When I am sick I tend to eat a lot or a little and I don't want to cook! As I am thinking about dinner I cringe because the thought of making low calorie burritos and eating leftover rice because all I want to do is sleep on the couch or lay in the bed. This does not help my motivation to workout...let's just say my elliptical is collecting dust at the moment. So now I will keep my germs to myself and miss a very special night tonight with my family and continue to take medicine. I called today and requested to see my physician and she is OUT OF THE OFFICE till MONDAY!!! Now I realize that physicians need time away but why when I am sick!?!? I was told to go to the urgent care clinic but it will cost TWICE AS MUCH to see an urgent care physician at $50 a visit. Now I realize that is not a lot of money to some but to my family it is. So I will trudge through till Monday and see if I can get through this sickness myself. Does anyone else think that it is ridiculous the amount of money we pay to see a physician other than our family physician? Is anyone else sick? Lemme know! Till then I will help the boy with homework and contemplate dinner ideas. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

To excercise or not to excercise.....that is the question!

So I have been stuck in the house for the weekend...and probably until Wednesday because I have sick kiddos. Now most people would be happy...not me! I like to go out and run errands and invent things to do but when your kids are sick the only time to leave is when they are napping. Now I LOVE to have cuddle time with each of my kids but I dislike it when they are sick...one because I don't want to be sick, the other is usually because one or both of them have a fever which in turn makes me hot and sweaty! However, I am a mother and one or both of them lay on me on the couch anyway because I would not want it any other way. So after laying on the couch with sick kids I dread having to get up and STARE at my elliptical like it is mocking me...daily!! So I jumped on and after 20 minutes I hated the torture device however I knew I would feel better. After 33 minutes and 300 calories later I felt better (and really sweaty) for not letting it mock me but killing it...as in I beat it...you know I finished the workout. So after my workout the kids were blissfully unaware that I was dying because they were watching a movie and after a quick shower I sat back on the couch and they each laid on my lap while I acted interested in Suite Life On Deck...only the 400th episode I have seen! So after 25 days and 13 pounds lost I feel good....how about you (my followers and friends) have you kept up with your resolution to loose weight/eat healthier or have you let the torture devices mock you into shame? If you have lost a fight get back up...don't let exercise get in your way....kill it...beat it...FINISH IT!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy Days and Mondays always get me down.

Have you missed me my followers? I have missed blogging but I have been a single momma to two precious children this week and I have decided that single parents do NOT get enough credit for staying sane! As I was being the single mother this week I found it hard to have some me time. My day started at 8am then I had about 2 hours to myself while lil man was at school and then from 11:30am until 9pm I was momma. Now you may notice that I had 2 hours to myself however, I was very tired and found myself taking a nap. As I would lay there on the couch falling asleep I was upset and disappointed at myself because I had the time to workout. Now there is a reason that I was tired and that is because my hubby was gone. I find it VERY difficult to sleep while he is gone and when I can't sleep counting sheep is what I must do. Well not literally sheep but it is usually after 3am before my eyes can not stay open anymore and I fall asleep. As you can tell there is a vicious cycle starting to ensue, hubby is gone leaving me with my two precious children and I can't sleep while hubby is gone therefore I am tired during my me time. So my logical brain tells me that the hubby can not leave anymore however, that can not happen because my hubby is needed to save the world! As of Friday evening I was no longer a single mother and when he came home I looked forward to getting my normal routine back! Now because of my lack of motivation when I weighed I knew I would not have the high numbers of weight loss that I was accustomed to but to my surprise I DID lose weight rather than gain weight as I thought I had done. I lost 2 pounds which brings my 3 week total to 13 pounds lost! I am happy for the loss and I can tell that my pants/shirts and other items are fitting better and not as tight. My only problem is that my panties are so stretched out that they are falling down now because of my weight loss...on a funny note you should see me on the torture device while my panties are falling down! So as I am faced with a 2 pound weight loss I am determined to lose more next week as I am dedicated to work out this week now that my schedule will resume to normal.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


OK so I am on day #3 of being a single parent and I am not adjusting to it very well. Today I had to change my daughter's eye appointment because her glasses are falling apart and she needs new ones. So we had to be there at 8am. Now normally I would have taken her and hubby would have taken care of little man or vice versa but I had to get up at 7am then get both sleepy/grouchy kids awake and dressed. So no time for a nice breakfast but we were on time for her eye appointment. We left and went to get a donut because I told them I would get them something to eat. We went to the donut shop that was close and went in to see the selection. Do you know there is NOTHING healthy about a donut shop! I saw my favorite sausage roll, chocolate donuts, cake donuts, blueberry ones, etc. I was in heaven and just the smell was refreshing! I let the kids pick out their donuts and they got a big chocolate milk to share then it was my turn....I looked all over and chose the chocolate devil's food with chocolate frosting and a small chocolate milk. I know, I know.....bad choice. Now about a month ago I could eat a donut and a sausage roll and a large chocolate milk for breakfast....I know it was awful! After being on this low calorie diet for 2 weeks (almost 3 weeks now) I thought I could splurge and get a donut and drink chocolate milk. Now what I did not realize (remember) is that there is a LOT of sugar in both of these things and sugar can make you crash HARD. So I came home from taking the kids to school and normally I stay up and enjoy my quiet time or workout and shower. Well today I watched Ellen and fell asleep...until it was time to get little man from school, that is 2 hours mind you! So I jump up and pick up the boy and come home and then I sat and watched a movie with the boy and made lunch for us. After the movie I realized I had done NOTHING. So I changed into my workout clothes and left Preston to play on the computer while I went to the torture machine. I stepped on and started going and about 10 minutes into my walking/jogging/elliptical workout I felt weird. I was shaky, sweaty (different than workout sweat), couldn't get into my rhythm. It was very awkward so I got off after 15 minutes because I was afraid to go further in my workout. After I walked around and caught my breath and drank lots of water I felt better but that was a strange feeling. I still felt tired the WHOLE day even after my 2 hour nap and laziness today! So I made sure to drink lots of water and eat low sugar today. I felt better later in the day and night and I wasn't as tired. I have learned my lesson and I will NOT eat that much sugar in the morning...or at all....and I will stick to my healthy breakfast from Dr. Oz! So tell me your thoughts about the pitfalls of healthy lifestyle changes!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Music..makes the world go round.

What music do you listen to while working out? I know you are thinking to yourself why is this an issue but according to my daughter it is an issue when I workout and she is home and her friends are over at the house. Now today we had the day off from school AND don't forget I am a single mother this week so mom is spread thin with time for herself between the hours of 8am to 9pm. So from 11:30-12:30 I worked out and took a shower and my daughter and her friend ate lunch and watched a movie. After I dropped off her friend at home my daughter informed me that I embarrassed her. I asked how I could have done that. I made sure I wore a bra today, I brushed my teeth, I had plenty of food in the house, I didn't pull out any bath tub pics of my daughter when she was an infant, etc. She informed me that she was embarrassed that I while I was working out I was singing loudly to my music on my ipod. Now I don't know about you but I have been known to sing while in the shower, my son sings in the bathtub (he insists that it is opera music he is singing), I sing while I workout when I catch my breath. I could never sing at the Y when I would workout which was sad because I like to sing. Now that I have my own torture machine...er...um..elliptical I feel that I can be me and sing! Now my husband does not mind, I think he expects me to sing while I am listening to my music, but my daughter is embarrassed. Now I calmly asked her if I was out of tune, singing too loud, etc. She informed me that I was out of breath while singing some musical song. I giggled and told her it was "You can't stop the beat" from the musical Hairspray. That is a fun song to get moving and trust me when you have been on the elliptical for 26 minutes you would be out of breath too! So I explained to my precious daughter that I like to sing while I move and I will try to keep it down when we have company. So then she asked what kind of music I like to listen to on my ipod. I told her I like to listen to a lot of things like musicals, rap, 80's, and every so often I listen to an oldie from the Beach Boys. She laughed when she heard 80's music because she thinks I am old because I like it. Now I am old but I liked the 80's for the fun/pop music it had and there are times I think I should have been born in 1970 so I could have grown up in the 80's and enjoyed the same trials/tribulations as they did in 16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Stand and Deliver, etc! Oh well, I was meant to be born in 1978 and as an old and wise 32 year old let my daughter make fun of me because I like 80's music. So please comment what you like to listen to while working out, cleaning house, etc. and maybe give me some ideas on some more fun music to listen to and embarrass my daughter!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekly Weigh-in #2..comments/suggestions???

So I know that you are all on pins and needles wanting to know how much I have lost this week. Well I lost 3 pounds. I know...go me...I am excited that I am losing the weight. However, I am disappointed that I did not lose more. I am ready to see the pounds shed off like last week but I need to learn patience...right?  I mean can't we all just lose 8-10 pounds a week when we eat healthy meals and stay under 1500 calories daily and workout everyday for 30 minutes at least of cardio? Why is it that overweight people have a hard time losing weight? Why is it that it seems that when we look at ourselves in the mirror and we think we look skinny when we are in high school and slowly that body gains the weight, then gains more, and more and then it is out of control and you look around and realize I have a spouse and 2 kids and look at me! I am just saying it gets out of control so quick and now it seems that it takes it may take forever to a healthy weight. Now I am not as out of control as some people. I am sure that you have watched The Biggest Loser and the physician does a full body scan, tons of labwork, etc and you see how imperative it is to lose the weight. Well I have not had that done ,due to there is not a physician that would do all that for free, but I am sure I am headed to diabetes, heart disease, bone loss, high blood pressure, etc. As far as I know I don't have any of the above problems but I do have a low thyroid disorder. That is no excuse for me to not lose weight but could that have been caused by my obesity...something to think about! I have a long road ahead of me and I know most of you will follow me on this journey but please feel free to comment, cry with me, struggle with me or even JOIN me on changing to a healthier lifestyle. Even though I am disappointed about not losing as much weight as I wanted PLEASE know that I feel better about myself and I can feel and see a difference. On to another week and I want to work harder and lose more weight because I know there is a skinnier girl on the inside of this body waiting to come out!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why eat tomatoes Mom???

Did you miss me? I have been trying to spend time with my hubby before he leaves me a single mom for a week. So I have been following this diet which is not really a diet but a lifestyle change and our week 2 weigh in is tomorrow morning. I am a little nervous because I have been under my calorie intake every day this week BUT according to my family members I need to have at least 1200 cals a day to lose weight...what do you think? My daughter has not acquired a new taste for tomatoes and I am disappointed because my son likes them! She would rather not eat whatever has tomatoes in it than just eat it...it is mixed in with other stuff but she says she can still taste it. I will keep trying though and hopefully she will come into the "light" and realize they are tasty and good for her. Although she did ask a valid question the other night which was "what good are tomatoes for you anyway?" I thought that was a good question but I had to make the simple reply that my mother told me..."because they are good for you I don't know why." Since when did I turn into my mother...don't answer that question! My new thing that I am looking at are cookbooks. I sat down to make my grocery list and our week long menu and I had four cookbooks around me looking for new recipes and old ones and I noticed that my kids were not complaining about all the recipes but they were being brave trying new things. I LOVE this because it is not the same menu that we rotated every other week. I mean how many times can you eat hot dogs, meatloaf, chicken nuggets, spaghetti, roast beef and veggies and then eat the same menu again the week after? So I am proud that my kids are experimenting with new food (except Paige and tomatoes) and that I am being brave trying new foods. Our next veggie to conquer is broccoli without cheese because according to my daughter what good is eating healthy if you're gonna smoother it with fattening cheese! She is learning and she is my Jillian because she is happy to remind me to work out and eat right...now if she could eat those tomatoes!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sometimes..your parents are the students!

So today my mom had her shoulder surgery that she has needed for many years but finally broke down because the pain was getting unbearable. So as I arrived late to the hospital and caught her as they were wheeling her back so I could give her a quick hug and kiss her forehead...I know so mushy! So earlier at home I had eaten an egg white omelet with bell peppers, tomatoes, bacon bits and cheese that was soooo tasty!! I am pretty full and stayed full until after 1pm. My father on the other hand was nervous and thought he was hungry at noon which is fine and he left to eat in the cafeteria rather than go to Subway which was across the street because it was too cold outside. So his lunch choice was Penne pasta in marinara sauce with mushrooms, veggies of some sort, bread and a cup of grapes and a diet soda.  Now he said it was the better choice and it was tasty but not filling for $7. Now after an hour I thought about eating and went to the cafeteria and I was mortified! The pasta looked like my version of baked ziti with cheese and veggies and their version of a grilled chicken sandwich was a DEEP FRIED CHICKEN BREAST! I asked if I was correct and she said that it is grilled then coated with breadcrumbs and FRIED then placed on a hamburger bun with fries! Now last month I would have eaten this and the fries and maybe grabbed a bag of candy to munch on later BUT not the new and healthy Tara! I walked away and remembered the Subway idea and saw tucked away in the corner the salad area. I went there and was amazed that there were no green salads...it was all Caesar salads then next to the salads were sugar free jellos and fat free vanilla yogurts with blueberries/strawberries and granola. I opted for the yogurt and a diet Dr pepper in a can. I went back to the waiting room feeling invigorated and happy with my choice. After I finished my yogurt and sipped my soda I found out we had at least another hour to wait so I went over to Subway and got a sandwich that was 290 calories AND costs only $3! So my dad states that his healthy lunch was good and I stated that mine was better so he asked how. I showed him my IPhone app called Lose it and showed him how I could calculate my calories and then I showed him how it is nearly impossible to calculate CAFETERIA food unless they tell you the specific nutrition information. So not only did I teach my dad a new trick on calculating calories using this app BUT I ate healthy being at the hospital all day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is my second attempt...let's see how this goes.

So after I stared at my Facebook posts I thought rather than bore everyone I know I will bore people that have nothing else better to do than surf the web as I do most days! Also after I have seen a lot of my friends make blogs this year I thought I would jump on the bandwagon since I am a follower rather than a leader. Well you may ask why the blog name...it sounds so disrespectful. Well I am a girl in this big world and I am overweight. So am I a fat girl on the ranch...yes, yes I am and I am not proud of it BUT I plan on fixing the problem this year!  This year my family....my whole family... is on this weight loss kick and we plan on losing more than those pesky 10 pounds that we gained over the holidays! In this blog I want to show my trials of losing a LOT of weight and I also want to prove that it can be done without pills, surgery or hiring a personal trainer/cook/sitter/dietitian/etc. So let's have fun and remember that I mean NO DISRESPECT to anyone that may read this blog and let's try to encourage and have fun!