Monday, February 28, 2011

Healthy Fellowship

Now I will say that this weekend I fell off the wagon on Sunday when my family had a big roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, corn, rolls and chocolate cake. This is the same family that is having a competition on who will lose the most weight. With that being said I was very surprised that there was food left over from our feast! Now about 4 months ago I remember a family get together that we literally ate all the food and it was AMAZING how much we ate! Now a days we are trying to make healthier choices and control our portions therefore we had LOTS of potatoes left over, some meat and not many veggies left because we ate most of them. How I fell off the wagon was the was calling my name...honest! However it was ONE small slice rather than a big piece or even 2 pieces so I feel good about Miss Donna tells me I need to take baby steps!! Tonight we had company over for dinner and we had grilled pork chops and baked potatoes with some tasty green beans! I knew I would be more inclined to eat good tonight so I had a weight watchers microwave meal for lunch because they were on sale for $1 a meal PLUS it is portioned controlled and healthier to eat than a hot dog or pizza for lunch! To be honest I thought I did okay except for the HUGE brownie that Dione MADE me eat...LOL! To let you know I DID workout last week AND I plan on doing it again this week!

Monday, February 21, 2011

On the Road Again

So after 3 weeks of snow, sickness and downright laziness I am back to my routine...well sort of. Preston has ANOTHER ear infection with a perforated ear drum so we are looking to surgery in the next few weeks. So after about 3 hours of sleep last night I took a nap this morning instead of working out. Now we went to weigh in after 3 weeks of not weighing and I have lost another 2.2 pounds so I am excited that I didn't gain BUT I am disappointed that I did not lose a whole lot. I know the reason that I did not lose a lot of weight is because I have not been working out as I ought to due to many different reasons some of which are legitimate and some that are just plain silly. So tomorrow as Preston returns to school along with my daughter I am getting BACK on the elliptical and working out. I will post how that goes depending on whether I can stand up after I get back on the dreaded machine. Thanks for all the support and positive comments! Keep you posted!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let it snow...Let it snow...Let it STOP!!!!!

OK so I as most of you know it has been snowing for over a week now and I don't know about you but the snow and being cooped up in the house is not giving me ANY desire to workout! There is no excuse for not working out because my torture device is at home with me, but after being stuck at home for a week the last thing I wanted to do was workout. I think it was my mood, you know you just want to sit on the couch with your kids and watch TV/movies and make comfort food. Now it should be ILLEGAL to watch Rachael Ray at 11am right before lunch....even though I do because she is too funny! Now back to the food part. In the past I would just eat junk, and then I would curl up on the couch and veg.
Well as my previous post stated I am changing and I want to look better/healthier. I stayed away from the kitchen during the "snack hours" and only went in when I had to cook or prepare the plates to eat. Now I know you are thinking that is silly but for someone like me who went to the kitchen to put a dish away and came out with a handful of chips, candy, cookies, etc. but it is true and I know myself and I need to just stay away from temptation! 
In the past I was the person who ALWAYS had a cookie jar full of cookies...I haven't had a cookie jar out since December 31st! My chips are now healthier and the kids still have their Lays Staxx chips and I still eat them BUT I don't snack on them. I eat them with my sandwich and ONLY eat 12 which is the serving size and it is counted on my calorie intake for the day! So back to the snowy weather in my house, we watched TV/movies all day stayed in our PJ's and I put my coupon list together and yelled at my printer for not working with any of the laptops in our house! Needless to say I did not work out at ALL this week. Now last week I was sick with strep and a sinus infection and that was excuse however getting back on the machine has been a task that I have not conquered...yet!
So you may ask when I plan on getting back to my routine...well when I know then you will know. Today is a busy day and it is my free day since me and the hubby have a date night planned and I have lots to do before this storm hits tonight! How have you been doing on your exercise routine since this winter weather has hit?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What to do when you are sick...lose weight!

Hey all I am sorry it has been over a week since I have blogged. I was down with strep throat and a sinus infection. I have not exercised in a week and I can tell. My body is worn down and tired so I will resume my exercising routine as soon as I am 100% better. Now I don't know about you but when I am sick and in the house all I want to do is eat! That is not a great idea when you are wanting to lose weight because I am not the type of person that goes to her pantry/fridge to grab a carrot, apple, salad, etc. I want sweet/salty/cheesy stuff which is why I am the way I look. All I would do is lay on the couch and eat junk food sometimes because I couldn't taste the food I would eat more...I know VERY silly of me. Well that was in the past but the new me....still wanted junk food/comfort food. So I had to realize that this was just plain silly...I mean why give yourself a double whammy of NOT exercising AND eating junk! So I had to retrain my brain and drink more water so I would feel full and then when I was hungry I ate apple slices (boats), popcorn (mini 100 cal bags), or think about looking skinny on a beach in a bathing suit in California! Now you might tell me good job...I did GREAT and yes..I did. However I had a REALLY SORE THROAT during all this so eating was not a big a matter of fact I went almost 2 days of not eating because it was painful. I ate sugar free was VERY tasty for me but Paige hated it therefore Preston didn't try it. Now in my defense I was not deliberately trying to starve myself but I did. Now before I reveal my weight loss this week I want to tell you about my brother he is a big guy and he has lost over 20 pounds in 4 weeks! Just last week he had the same thing I did and he did not eat for 3 days and he lost 8 pounds...I lost 0.2 pounds! WHAT IN THE WORLD!!! After I got over my frustration I had to think back to my physiology class and I remembered that women HOLD ON to fat when we starve ourselves, men not so much. Now I had to think back to my OB class and remember that as women we bear children and our body keeps children healthy in the womb, even when we are not pregnant. It is natural to hold onto fat when we are not eating because the baby needs something and men are just STINKY because when they stop eating they just lose it! I am proud that I am a woman but not in this instance...I mean I am done having children and could not ever have anymore children much to the disappointment of my daughter who wants us to adopt a girl for her to have a sister. So being sick is not the best way to lose some cases and I don't recommend it because when momma is sick the house falls apart! Happy to know that my blog peeps are keeping me posted on their lives and I hope to have MORE FOLLOWERS, so come join me fight the battle of the bulge!!