Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We The Parents....we are people too...right??

So I started a great debate with a FB post I made last night about my daughter reading a book that had curse words and explored a romantic relationship with two females, who happen to kiss each other later in the book called "Pretty Little Liars". Now I am not the best mother in the world, I have never claimed to be just ask my best friend Melissa and my husband! I have a lot to learn and a lot to go through, but I know when I need to intervene and put my foot down. My daughter is 10 and a half years old and I have not explained gay relationships to my daughter. It is not because I do not like gay people (a member of my family is gay!), I have not explained gay relationships because she is too young. Now I have talked to her extensively about her body and the changes that are occurring and I have explained the different body parts and how they work in the reproductive system. However, I have not explained lifestyle choices that some people make as well as explaining how reproduction takes place between a man and a woman together. Now I want to explain that I am not upset with her at all because she did not know what it meant and she had not gotten very far in the book. I just want to plead with parents to GET INVOLVED! Get involved in what your child is doing, where they are going, what the are READING, what are they watching! I am not perfect and I am still learning about being a good mother BUT I do know that I have to be a mom not necessarily her best friend.

Now to a better topic...I am FINALLY under 280 pounds! I haven't weighed under 280 pounds in a LONG time! PLUS I wore a dress on Easter Sunday that I hadn't worn in almost 2 years. The last time I wore it I couldn't button it up around my chest so the jacket that was over it kept my unbuttoned chest hidden. It was still a little tight BUT it fit and I was a happy gal!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I certainly didn't mean to spark a debate on your facebook. But you know I like to throw a cog in the wheel every once in a while. Mainly to make people THINK! Your daughter is to young to know about sex and sexual relationships, no matter the people involved. She is just too sneaky sometimes!
