Friday, March 25, 2011

Here'ssssssss Tara! (applause, applause)

So after all the craziness at my house between my father being in town for Spring Break and me playing hostess with the mostess! I am finally getting back to my routine. We will not discuss that I ate wayyyyyy too much food out and it was NOT healthy food either while my father was here!!!
Now the boy is playing Tball which to me is organized chaos so I am perfectly fine being the bleacher mom who cheers for the team and especially my cute son! Paige is very close to testing for her black belt in karate and I plan on her changing her sport focus when she is finished because she is looking toward junior high sports and there is not a karate team at there?? 
Dale is home and all next week he is working in the daytime which means I will have to get kids up and ready in the morning which is not thrilling to me. You see I like to sleep...nothing is better than sleeping through the chaos in my house known as getting ready for school and my husband is home for it 3 times a week and it is the ONLY time he and Paige see each other on Mon, Thur and Fri because he works 4-midnight on those days and she is not out of school until 3:48pm now (grumble). So he doesn't mind getting the kids ready in the morning and he sends them off with a smile and teeth brushed...sometimes their hair is fixed but oh well I can not ask for everything! So I am not looking forward to getting up in the morning BUT I am looking forward to having a husband home at night like normal husbands are home with their prospective families! I see lots of grilling at my house this coming week!
Now on to my weigh in's...there haven't been any! Some things in my family have changed so I must go out and purchase our own family scale and keep track of it ourselves. Now I do not own a scale because that is something we never wanted to know...we knew we were fat we don't need a scale to rub it in our faces about how fat we are! However I know I am still losing weight because I fit into a shirt that is a 2X from Old Navy....that is a MAJOR accomplishment!! I also received the best compliment from an old friend that I was looking looking good all because I had lost 17 pounds so far! Now that is a treat for me so I am getting on the wagon and eating better/healthier and smaller portions!
We also purchased a Wii, we all pooled our money together and the kids helped and we contributed so it is entirely a family purchase! I asked to purchase a Wii fit and we will have to wait to recuperate from purchasing the console before we can spend money on the Wii fit. Does anyone use the Wii fit and does it really look fun as you are working out? I thought about doing it for aerobics/zumba since you will not see me in a class that is in front of other people. Picture seeing me look like a beached whale trying to dance and do step aerobics...well I make a fool of myself plenty without paying for people to see me work out! So please give me some input on this Wii fit thing!
On that note I must make my menu for the week and inform Dale that he is grilling most of the week and get my coupons ready to go shopping. Have a good weekend y'all!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coupons, Coupons and more coupons

Well you heard me...I am on the bandwagon that is called couponing! As I have stepped down from my nursing duties we are living on one income thanks to my wonderful hubby but I want to help my family save money. Now I know a lot of people are skeptical and I am one of those people BUT I read a blog by Carrie called and I was hooked. Now I am not a competitive shopper like certain other individuals but I strive to save money. I attended a coupon class and I was excited to shop after I learned some more information about other stores. "How is this going to affect my weight loss?" Now I am trying to be careful with the great savings I am getting by not thinking I have to buy all the prepackaged foods and junk foods I can BUT buying them in moderation AND I am also using my savings to purchase healthier food. I am hoping that I will be productive and artistic enough to start keeping a picture of my food and savings.
On another note PLEASE keep me motivated to exercise because I have not been exercising lately!!