Monday, January 17, 2011

Music..makes the world go round.

What music do you listen to while working out? I know you are thinking to yourself why is this an issue but according to my daughter it is an issue when I workout and she is home and her friends are over at the house. Now today we had the day off from school AND don't forget I am a single mother this week so mom is spread thin with time for herself between the hours of 8am to 9pm. So from 11:30-12:30 I worked out and took a shower and my daughter and her friend ate lunch and watched a movie. After I dropped off her friend at home my daughter informed me that I embarrassed her. I asked how I could have done that. I made sure I wore a bra today, I brushed my teeth, I had plenty of food in the house, I didn't pull out any bath tub pics of my daughter when she was an infant, etc. She informed me that she was embarrassed that I while I was working out I was singing loudly to my music on my ipod. Now I don't know about you but I have been known to sing while in the shower, my son sings in the bathtub (he insists that it is opera music he is singing), I sing while I workout when I catch my breath. I could never sing at the Y when I would workout which was sad because I like to sing. Now that I have my own torture I feel that I can be me and sing! Now my husband does not mind, I think he expects me to sing while I am listening to my music, but my daughter is embarrassed. Now I calmly asked her if I was out of tune, singing too loud, etc. She informed me that I was out of breath while singing some musical song. I giggled and told her it was "You can't stop the beat" from the musical Hairspray. That is a fun song to get moving and trust me when you have been on the elliptical for 26 minutes you would be out of breath too! So I explained to my precious daughter that I like to sing while I move and I will try to keep it down when we have company. So then she asked what kind of music I like to listen to on my ipod. I told her I like to listen to a lot of things like musicals, rap, 80's, and every so often I listen to an oldie from the Beach Boys. She laughed when she heard 80's music because she thinks I am old because I like it. Now I am old but I liked the 80's for the fun/pop music it had and there are times I think I should have been born in 1970 so I could have grown up in the 80's and enjoyed the same trials/tribulations as they did in 16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Stand and Deliver, etc! Oh well, I was meant to be born in 1978 and as an old and wise 32 year old let my daughter make fun of me because I like 80's music. So please comment what you like to listen to while working out, cleaning house, etc. and maybe give me some ideas on some more fun music to listen to and embarrass my daughter!


  1. I listen to the same variety of music that you do and I'm only 26 lol. Does that say I'm old, or just that your daughter is being a typical preteen/teenage girl. Not sure how old she is... I say more power to you for being able to keep up a routine even on days when it's insanely busy. I suppose I am in for those comments soon, my daughters are 7 and 5 and my oldest one is going on 21 lol.

  2. I sing too but I purposefully sing like the mom on RV with Robin Williams! Makes my kids crazy!! :)

  3. I like to listen to anything that makes me want to get up and move! Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake (love!!), Beyonce, the Black Eyed Peas...anything that makes me want to shake it! I think of songs I would hear on the dance floor at a club. Might as well make it fun!
    If you have an iPhone you might download the Pandora's a free internet radio app that allows you to put in a certain artist that you might like, then it suggests other music you might like based on your decision. It's great if you like some variety to your playlists!
    Keep up the good work! It's a hard, slow road but it's so worth it!
