Monday, March 7, 2011

Coupons, Coupons and more coupons

Well you heard me...I am on the bandwagon that is called couponing! As I have stepped down from my nursing duties we are living on one income thanks to my wonderful hubby but I want to help my family save money. Now I know a lot of people are skeptical and I am one of those people BUT I read a blog by Carrie called and I was hooked. Now I am not a competitive shopper like certain other individuals but I strive to save money. I attended a coupon class and I was excited to shop after I learned some more information about other stores. "How is this going to affect my weight loss?" Now I am trying to be careful with the great savings I am getting by not thinking I have to buy all the prepackaged foods and junk foods I can BUT buying them in moderation AND I am also using my savings to purchase healthier food. I am hoping that I will be productive and artistic enough to start keeping a picture of my food and savings.
On another note PLEASE keep me motivated to exercise because I have not been exercising lately!!

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