Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We The Parents....we are people too...right??

So I started a great debate with a FB post I made last night about my daughter reading a book that had curse words and explored a romantic relationship with two females, who happen to kiss each other later in the book called "Pretty Little Liars". Now I am not the best mother in the world, I have never claimed to be just ask my best friend Melissa and my husband! I have a lot to learn and a lot to go through, but I know when I need to intervene and put my foot down. My daughter is 10 and a half years old and I have not explained gay relationships to my daughter. It is not because I do not like gay people (a member of my family is gay!), I have not explained gay relationships because she is too young. Now I have talked to her extensively about her body and the changes that are occurring and I have explained the different body parts and how they work in the reproductive system. However, I have not explained lifestyle choices that some people make as well as explaining how reproduction takes place between a man and a woman together. Now I want to explain that I am not upset with her at all because she did not know what it meant and she had not gotten very far in the book. I just want to plead with parents to GET INVOLVED! Get involved in what your child is doing, where they are going, what the are READING, what are they watching! I am not perfect and I am still learning about being a good mother BUT I do know that I have to be a mom not necessarily her best friend.

Now to a better topic...I am FINALLY under 280 pounds! I haven't weighed under 280 pounds in a LONG time! PLUS I wore a dress on Easter Sunday that I hadn't worn in almost 2 years. The last time I wore it I couldn't button it up around my chest so the jacket that was over it kept my unbuttoned chest hidden. It was still a little tight BUT it fit and I was a happy gal!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mom, that is CHILD ABUSE!!

So I normally don't like to talk about my children on the Internet because there are some sick people out there but to keep their anonymity safe I will refer to my children and Jill and Jack. 
    So last week I received a call from the principal of the school where both of my children attend. I was told that my daughter, Jill had sent a spam email to two of her teachers at school that asked if they wanted to increase their sex drive and attempted to sell them Viagra. Now I understand that in this day and age people get hacked but you can imagine my embarrassment when I received a phone call from the principal stating that we ought to look into her email account and figure out how fix it or delete it! So after I picked up my jaw off the floor my husband and I deleted the email account and we spoke with Jill about how to protect her new account and to not open any mail she does not know who it is from.
      Jill was upset earlier this week because I was going to make grilled chicken, green beans and scalloped potatoes. Now I think that this dinner was good and so did my son, Jack. Jill is picky about what food she will eat but usually she at least tries it and then decides whether she likes it or not. Well she was adamant that she would not liked grilled chicken because it is boring tasting! Now I am not a chicken connoisseur but I make a good grilled chicken but not on the grill..it is on the George Foreman grill. I don't like to use the outside gas grill when Dale is not home so I get by on the George Foreman. So I informed my daughter that she could go to bed without eating because I was making grilled chicken and scalloped potatoes. Jill looked at me with a straight face and informed me that if I sent her to bed without food that it would be child abuse! After I bit my lip (because I wanted to laugh) I kindly informed her that she could call her father (who is a police officer) and ask him if it was against the law to send a child to bed without dinner. After Jill thought long and hard about her outburst she decided that she would not interrupt dad at work to ask a silly question. I asked her kindly if she was going to join Jack and I for dinner and she stated that she would eat with us so she would not starve.
     After both fiascoes I thought I would post some funny stories from my funny child. Actually if you knew my children you would know Jill is not my funny child but Jack is hilarious! In case you are wondering how my weight loss is coming along I am happy to inform you that I am FINALLY looking at breaking 280 pounds this week!! I haven't been under 280 pounds in over a year!! I am looking forward to seeing the scale this weekend telling me that I am UNDER 280 pounds!! I have lost almost 18 pounds so far in my weight loss story this year and I am looking forward to the next 20 pounds to come off easily.