Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy Days and Mondays always get me down.

Have you missed me my followers? I have missed blogging but I have been a single momma to two precious children this week and I have decided that single parents do NOT get enough credit for staying sane! As I was being the single mother this week I found it hard to have some me time. My day started at 8am then I had about 2 hours to myself while lil man was at school and then from 11:30am until 9pm I was momma. Now you may notice that I had 2 hours to myself however, I was very tired and found myself taking a nap. As I would lay there on the couch falling asleep I was upset and disappointed at myself because I had the time to workout. Now there is a reason that I was tired and that is because my hubby was gone. I find it VERY difficult to sleep while he is gone and when I can't sleep counting sheep is what I must do. Well not literally sheep but it is usually after 3am before my eyes can not stay open anymore and I fall asleep. As you can tell there is a vicious cycle starting to ensue, hubby is gone leaving me with my two precious children and I can't sleep while hubby is gone therefore I am tired during my me time. So my logical brain tells me that the hubby can not leave anymore however, that can not happen because my hubby is needed to save the world! As of Friday evening I was no longer a single mother and when he came home I looked forward to getting my normal routine back! Now because of my lack of motivation when I weighed I knew I would not have the high numbers of weight loss that I was accustomed to but to my surprise I DID lose weight rather than gain weight as I thought I had done. I lost 2 pounds which brings my 3 week total to 13 pounds lost! I am happy for the loss and I can tell that my pants/shirts and other items are fitting better and not as tight. My only problem is that my panties are so stretched out that they are falling down now because of my weight loss...on a funny note you should see me on the torture device while my panties are falling down! So as I am faced with a 2 pound weight loss I am determined to lose more next week as I am dedicated to work out this week now that my schedule will resume to normal.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Tara for that victory! It is always hard to get going, but once I do I always feel better too. Keep it up!!
